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Vorkurs Deutsch

Preparatory German Language Programme

The preparatory German language programme offers intensive German language courses prior to the regular Summer and Winter Semesters for exchange students coming to Freie Universität Berlin as well as non-students/ externals. It is a cooperation of the Language Center of Freie Universität and ERG Universitätsservice GmbH.

PreparatoryGerman language programme courses take place in spring and in fall, 6 weeks before the regular semester. Students can considerably improve their German language skills on five proficiency levels according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and thus become better prepared for their ensuing studies at Freie Universität Berlin.

ERG Universitätsservice GmbH is responsible for all organizational and administrative matters related to the preparatory German language programme.


Vorkurs Deutsch
c/o ERG Universitätsservice GmbH
Malteserstr. 74-100
12249 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 30 838 73 448
Fax: +49 30 838 73 448
E-mail: vorkurs[at]fu-berlin.de
Website: http://www.sprachenzentrum.fu-berlin.de/en/sprachangebot/sprachen/deutsch/vorkurs_deutsch/index.html